If your business is providing legal services in New Zealand, it’s important to ensure you’ve met all the legal requirements. Our legal team specialises in helping small businesses with all their legal needs, from contracts to intellectual property protection and privacy. Get in touch today!

Legal service providers have a strict duty of confidentiality. In addition to professional obligations, they must also adhere to the Privacy Act 2020 and New Zealand Privacy Principles, ensuring that client data is securely stored, processed, and not disclosed without proper authorization. Our lawyers can guide legal firms on compliance with privacy requirements.

Your IP is often the key to your business' success. In a software or technology business, it's important to keep your IP secure. To effectively protect your creative works, you'll need to understand the type of IP you intend to keep secure and the specific process required. Copyright protection applies automatically to creative, original works in New Zealand (however, you may still wish to display copyright disclaimers for clarity!). For further legal protection, you can also register a trade mark with IP New Zealand. This lists your IP on an online register and prevents other people from using it - so it's officially and legally yours. There is also the option to patent your IP, but there is a very specific criteria for doing so. Our IP lawyers can guide you through your options.

It's always important for a business to have strong terms and conditions (T&Cs) that are tailored to their specific requirements. T&Cs essentially set out the terms that customers must agree to before they further engage with your business.

If you're an online legal platform, this is even more beneficial as it allows you to monitor activity on your website and limit your liability for things that go wrong.

Overall, it allows both you and customers to be on the same page about rights, responsibilities and expectations around the services you're providing.

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