When you run a workplace in New Zealand, it’s crucial to ensure all your workers are well-informed about their roles, responsibilities, and obligations. A solid approach to achieving this is by implementing a Workplace Policy and a Staff Handbook.

These documents are vital as they clearly define the policies and procedures that all employees are expected to adhere to, creating a safe, well-managed environment where everyone is aligned.

Unlike individual employment contracts, Staff Handbooks and Workplace Policies provide guidelines that apply to all employees. They are fundamental in establishing your workplace culture and ensuring it’s an excellent place to work.

So, what are these documents, and what should they include? Below, we outline the elements you should incorporate in a Workplace Policy and a Staff Handbook, as well as the reasons for having them in place.

What Is A Workplace Policy?

A Workplace Policy is a dynamic tool that conveys your organisation’s values, culture, systems, and processes. It also establishes expectations around employee behaviour and responsibilities.

It is not an arcane document to be neglected on company shelves! Instead, a Workplace Policy is integral in expressing an organisation’s values and fostering a positive, productive culture.

A well-written and clearly communicated Workplace Policy will set clear expectations around employee behaviour and performance, allowing everyone to focus on their work. It will also detail the organisation’s practices and procedures, covering everything from day-to-day operations to compliance with New Zealand employment legislation.

Why Should I Have A Workplace Policy?

A Workplace Policy is an essential document because it acts as the foundation for your organisation’s cultural and procedural integrity.

Here are some reasons why you should have a well-documented Workplace Policy:

  • It provides employees with a clear understanding of what is expected of them
  • It ensures that a fair, predictable, and consistent approach is taken when managing the workplace and addressing issues, avoiding ad-hoc decisions
  • It saves time when inducting and training new employees, as all your policies and procedures are already outlined in a central document
  • It serves as a reference when managing workplace issues, such as employee misconduct or inappropriate behaviour

Additionally, a Workplace Policy can help you fulfil certain obligations and responsibilities you have under New Zealand’s discrimination legislation. Employers may be vicariously liable for the discriminatory acts of their employees unless they can show that they took all reasonable steps to prevent discrimination.

As the onus is on you, the employer, to meet these requirements, having a properly documented Workplace Policy is a good way to demonstrate you’ve taken proactive steps towards preventing discrimination.

Furthermore, there may be additional rules regarding discrimination depending on the specific context of your organisation. A Workplace Policy can help fulfil these requirements.

What Does A Workplace Policy Look Like?

A Workplace Policy can take various forms and may differ between industries. However, common elements to include in a Workplace Policy are:

  • A code of conduct
  • Guidelines on internet, email, social media, or mobile phone use
  • Rules surrounding drug and alcohol use, as well as smoking
  • Health and safety requirements
  • Grievance handling procedures, including whether an employee can bring a support person to a meeting
  • Any performance management, discipline, and termination processes that employees may be subject to
  • Guidelines surrounding recruitment

You should also outline Workplace Harassment and Discrimination expectations in your Workplace Policy. Include a comprehensive list of the types of discrimination — clearly defining what constitutes workplace harassment and discrimination, and detailing the steps that will be taken by the organisation in dealing with victims or perpetrators of harassment or discrimination.

What Is A Staff Handbook?

A Staff Handbook compiles employment and job-related information that employees need to know, such as workplace policies, into a single document, file, or book.

While not legally required in New Zealand, a Staff Handbook is an excellent resource for inducting new staff into your organisation and familiarising them with your workplace. It also provides existing staff with a reference to revisit workplace policies and procedures, aiding them in navigating any potential workplace issues or dilemmas.

What Should I Include In A Staff Handbook?

A Staff Handbook typically addresses three key areas:

  1. Culture: this can include a welcome statement, the company’s mission, purpose, objectives, and company values
  2. General employee information such as holiday, sick and leave arrangements, company perks and benefits, policies not required by law, policy summaries, and more
  3. Company-specific information including company policies, rules, disciplinary and grievance procedures, and other information modelled around employment legislation

A Staff Handbook can also be valuable in the event of an employee claim, such as an Unfair Dismissal Claim. Depending on the case, if you can demonstrate that an employee was aware of the expectations and standards of their role, you may be better positioned to defend against such a claim.

Key Takeaway

Often, as an employer, writing and reviewing policies and procedures can divert attention from core business activities, leading to this task being deprioritised. However, neglecting your policies and procedures can come at a significant cost to your organisation.

Any organisation that employs staff is never entirely immune from the risk of a claim being made against them by a current or former employee. Nevertheless, Workplace Policies aid employers in managing workplace issues and can be instrumental in defending against claims like Unfair Dismissal.

A robust Workplace Policy should be complemented by a Staff Handbook, which provides clear guidance to employees and helps establish a culture where issues are addressed fairly and consistently.

If you need assistance establishing or enhancing your business’ Workplace Policy or Staff Handbook, contact us for a no-obligation chat on 0800 002 184 or at [email protected].

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